
The Graduate Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (GA3) represents current graduate students within the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department at MIT. Our goal is to organize social and professional activities which strengthen and enrich the community within the department, and to help publicize various research activities within the department. We organize social hours, host talks by guest speakers and students, and help communicate with the department and the Graduate Student Council.

GA^3 also works with other AeroAstro student organizations such as Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering (GWAE), AeroAfro and the AeroAstro REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress). These combined efforts include advocating for students to the department and Institute, organizing visit day and orientation events for new students.

We encourage all current AeroAstro graduate students to come forward and participate in the group. Members along with the GA^3 officers play important roles in spearheading many of GA^3's initiatives, activities, and student advocacy issues.

If you have any questions please reach out at our email: ga3-exec@mit.edu.